Tuesday, May 29, 2018

public relations

Subject: Donald Trump

How does public relations help convey a message or image to the masses using the subject above?

Donald Trump uses public relations to derail any controversy or debate that comes his way. His team dubs news articles as "fake news" even if the source has some credibility to them because Trump does not want these labels associated to his presidency. His interactions with Stormy Daniels is an example of public relations in effect. He denies the allegations in order to persuade the audience that the media only wants the worst for him and will make up anything just for an extra view. Politics has long been associated with public relations, especially in campaigning for presidency. Trump's blunt expressions on his beliefs and views paint the idea that he is an honest man who will get to the point. However, there are pros and cons to this. He has a large amount of dedicated followers because of this, but at the same time, there are people that really stand against his outlandish perspective and calls Trump childish. The public relations associated with Trump attempt to paint him as the honest man but is conveyed to a lot of people in the wrong way. Lastly, Trump accepts this criticism and calls that as individuals refusing the truth and continues his beliefs.

Trump has many followers for this but suffers the consequence of having many disbelievers in the process.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

are newspapers a thing of the past?

  • Argue whether or not newspapers are a thing of the past. Are newspaper chains good or bad for journalism (and why or why not?)

Up until the recent election, news has resurfaced and once again became necessary for everyone to pay attention. Newspapers will continue thriving, especially since news companies are mentioned a lot when sourcing and the public has all eyes for this.

Newspapers can both be good and bad. Most sources write for revenue but others have intentions of pure informing. One cannot simply group all chains as good or bad, simply because that is black and white.